Learn About XRF Technology

You probably already know that having lead-based paint in your home can be dangerous for you and your family, so how do you check if the paint in your home is safe? There are two options for testing paint. The first method involves collecting and sending paint chip samples to a laboratory. This process damages the home since it requires scraping paint directly off the surface using a razor and heat gun, and also takes several days to receive a result. The second method is to use XRF Technology.
What is XRF technology?
XRF stands for x-ray fluorescence and it is used to determine the elemental composition of solids, liquids, and powders. Simply put, it tells you what something is made of.
How does an XRF machine work?
The XRF analyzer generates and emits x-rays onto the sample. The atoms in the sample respond by sending a secondary x-ray back, which is collected and processed by the analyzer. Based on the energy of the x-ray, the analyzer identifies what elements are present and at what concentration.

What are the advantages of using XRF technology?
The most notable advantage of using XRF technology is that it yields almost immediate results with little sample preparation. In addition, the process is non-destructive and provides an accurate and straightforward reading.
For more information about the risks of lead exposure, check out our Lead Safety 101 blog post. Remember: don’t panic, just call. You can always have your home tested for lead paint and dust by a certified professional. If you live in Michigan, call on AAA. Get in touch today and we’ll help determine which inspection service is right for you.
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