When you need a thorough investigation before renovating an area with asbestos containing materials, call on us. We’ll provide you with guidance and a solution to fit your specific needs.
Our asbestos services include:
Asbestos Inspection
Asbestos is a strong mineral fiber with good heat resistance, and it was commonly used in the construction of homes, businesses, and public facilities through the 1980’s. If your home was built prior to 1981, there’s a chance it contains asbestos in: laminate floor tiles, joint compound, attic insulation, ceiling tiles, or duct work. If you’re concerned about disturbing an asbestos containing material (ACM) in your space, call on AAA. We’ll investigate the scene and report back with a list of all locations and quantities of ACMs.
Timelines vary based on the scope of work.
Please get in touch for more information.

O&M Programs
For schools and businesses, AAA lays out how maintenance personnel and outside contractors will work around asbestos containing materials, and what to do when damaged material is identified. Our inspections and programs are conducted under the guidelines established by the EPA under the AHERA and NESHAP rules. You can view our certifications below.
Timelines vary based on the scope of work.
Please get in touch for more information.
Project Designs
Bidding a project with asbestos containing materials? We can help. AAA provides a written abatement specification for removal projects, as well as conducting the pre-bid meeting for you, if preferred. We’re always happy to coordinate with the selected contractor for the job.
Timelines vary based on the scope of work.
Please get in touch for more information.

If your team works in an envoironment where they could come into contact with asbestos, I've outlined some information to help keep them safe.
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